Thursday, 10 March 2011

What is normal?

"Nobody realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."
-- Al Camus

I was reading through quotes last night and I found that one above. I thought it was fascinating and unbelievably true. It’s something I’ve always wondered about when watching other people. Looking at some of my friends, they all have their quirks, but they all (or most of them ;)) seem relatively normal and I know how much hard work it is for me to appear ‘normal’ at times so I often wonder if it’s the same for them. Do they make a conscious effort or does it just come naturally?

It’s just something that really makes you wonder.

Besides, what is ‘normal’ anyway?

Brief update for The Occultus:

I made it to 56k last night, finishing chapter 28. It’s going quite well at the moment and I’m really looking forward to seeing it complete. In my next update, I’ll post a small snippet or chapter, but in the meantime – back to figuring out these next couple of chapters.

Ciao for now!

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